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عــلوم ، دين ـ قرآن ، حج ، بحوث ، دراسات أقســام علمية و ترفيهية .

    Jackson Five Candy Girl Lyrics


    عدد المساهمات : 10329
    نقــــاط التمـــيز : 60911
    تاريخ التسجيل : 08/04/2009
    العمر : 32

    Jackson Five Candy Girl Lyrics Empty Jackson Five Candy Girl Lyrics

    مُساهمة من طرف GODOF الأربعاء 23 سبتمبر - 19:06

    Candy Girl lyrics

    My girls like candy
    A candy treat
    She knocks me right up off my feet
    She's so fine as can be
    I know this girl was meant for me

    Candy girl
    You are my world
    Look so sweet
    You're a special treat

    Candy girl
    All i want to say
    When you're with me
    You brighten up my day

    All I know
    When I'm with you
    You make me feel so good
    through and through
    The way you walk
    and the way you talk
    You always look so good
    You make me forget my thoughts

    Do you really love me?
    Don't you really care?
    Do you really need me?
    And will you always be there?

    Every night
    and every day
    I'm always thinking of you
    in every way
    All I know
    is when I'm with you

    Candy Girl
    You are my world
    You're everything,
    you're everything,
    you're everything to me


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد 2 يونيو - 16:46