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عــلوم ، دين ـ قرآن ، حج ، بحوث ، دراسات أقســام علمية و ترفيهية .

    Your Embrace lyrics


    عدد المساهمات : 10329
    نقــــاط التمـــيز : 61741
    تاريخ التسجيل : 08/04/2009
    العمر : 33

    Your Embrace lyrics Empty Your Embrace lyrics

    مُساهمة من طرف GODOF الجمعة 18 سبتمبر - 20:21

    Your Embrace lyrics

    Tell me, what's the use
    Of a twenty-four inch waist
    If you don't touch me?
    Tell me, what's the use again
    Of being on TV every day
    If you don't watch me?

    This house is full of emptiness
    My closet's full of dresses
    That I'll never wear
    My life is full of people
    But you're my only friend
    My best friend

    Hope it isn't too late
    To say "I love you"
    Hope it isn't too late to say
    That without you this place looks like London
    It rains every day
    Don't you know it, babe
    I'm only half a body
    Without your embrace

    Let me tell you why
    My heart is an unfurnished room
    Any suggestions?
    Don't have to tell you more than that
    'Cause no one knows me like you do
    Without exception

    This house is full of emptiness
    My closet's full of dresses
    That I'll never wear
    My life is full of people
    But you're my only friend
    My best friend

    Hope it isn't too late
    To say "I love you"
    I hope it isn't too late to say
    That without you this place looks like London
    It rains every day
    Don't you know it, babe
    I'm only half a body
    Without your embrace

    Hope it isn't too late
    To say "I love you"
    Hope it isn't too late to say
    That without you this place looks like London
    It rains every day
    Don't you know it, babe
    I'm only half a body
    Without your embrace

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة 15 نوفمبر - 4:57