Research - Scripts - cinema - lyrics - Sport - Poemes

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
Research - Scripts - cinema - lyrics - Sport - Poemes

عــلوم ، دين ـ قرآن ، حج ، بحوث ، دراسات أقســام علمية و ترفيهية .

    AllWebMenus Pro v5.2.808 - Best menu maker


    عدد المساهمات : 10329
    نقــــاط التمـــيز : 61741
    تاريخ التسجيل : 08/04/2009
    العمر : 33

    AllWebMenus Pro v5.2.808 - Best menu maker Empty AllWebMenus Pro v5.2.808 - Best menu maker

    مُساهمة من طرف GODOF

    AllWebMenus Pro v5.2.808 - Best menu maker Greenplates5010972

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    Choose AllWebMenus as your DHTML menu / javascript menu maker
    and get the highest possible standards, support and featuresDHTML menu examples:

    * Powerful customization
    menu examples
    * Cross-browser supportjavascript menu builder browser support
    * Sliding menus / CSS Menus
    * SEO menu implementations
    (search engine friendly menus using or a sitemap)
    * Menus with multiple Columns or multiple Rows
    * Usability, through a well-thought User Interface
    * DHTML menu examplesIntegration with popular web editors
    through special addins/extensions
    * Support of all UNICODE languages/symbols (international menus)
    * Create feature-rich Joomla or Wordpress menus for your sites/blogs
    * DHTML menu examplesAdd floating images to your menus with just a few
    clicks, for extra decoration on special occasions (holidays, etc.):
    * Use HTML code on any menu item for enhanced formatting or advanced functionality example
    * Database-driven or programmatically generated menus on server-side
    environments, such as PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, ASP, ASP.NET, etc.
    Server-Side Menus API
    * Give your menus a 'floating effect' within specific sections of the page and more... Advanced Floating Menus Add-in
    * Continuous upgrades and company commitment, accurate customer support
    * Ready-made options for your menu creation through the web menu ThemePacks and Templates.

    Software screenshoot:

    AllWebMenus Pro v5.2.808 - Best menu maker Allwebmenuspro620351689

    Demo menu at:

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